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Me and my Soft Furnishings.

Oh Hey! so you've clicked on my new blog and first ever post, Thank you. I'm very excited to be doing this and finally having a blog up and running! yay!

I have been encouraged by my other half to do this for a while and now I have decided to go for it after brief chat with one of my favourite bloggers. My blog will mainly consist of, interior design or interior related DIY but maybe a few lifestyle & fashion related content thrown in!

First of all I thought I would tell you a little bit  about me and how I fell into making bespoke cushions and creating Emily-Louise Soft Furnishings, which has taken off more than I could ever of dreamed off.

So me in short... (although I'm not short at 5ft 11) I'm a full time Paramedic for the NHS, and play netball 3 times a week which takes me all over the country :). I've been with Mat for 4 and a bit years now, I have 1 older sister and 4 very close girlfriends. In June 2017, after a very stressful few months, age 23 me and my partner (who wishes he was 23) purchased our first ever home, not our forever house but yet still a beautiful home that I'm so grateful for.
I'll be honest; 6 months prior to moving in, I had pretty much designed our hole house on a mood board app and we had bought the majority of the furniture and stored it all in my room at my parents house or in there front room (which I'm sure they loved). It was a risk but having an impatient nature it just had to be done!

Me and the OH always talked about focusing on the living room first as that is where we new we would spend majority of our time having spent 18 months in a room at my parents to save for the home (a lot of you will know the struggle) and like most I wanted it to be cosy comfy and classy.
The statement piece in our front room we feel is our sofas with the feature mirrors behind which was my other half's idea (he made me write that bit, but i'll give it to him....I thought of a large mirror behind, he came up with the three)
So how did bespoke cushion making come about? Well we loved the sofa style and colour but unfortunately not the cushions it came with and after browsing all the usual stores, I found cushions I liked but either they didn't suit or I just was not feeling them!
So being the creative, impatient person I am I then thought of attempting to make my own and having always liked being creative whether thats drawing , painting or designing I figured why not!

I made my first lot of cushions by hand (can't imagine doing that again, praise the sewing machine!) and here they are in the images below. Friends and family would often pop by and say how they loved them not knowing I made them, which was really lovely and first gave me a bit of a business idea.
Therefore I decided after making my living room set that I wanted to make them for all the rooms, and probably not even the next day they were all done! (impatient strikes again). Below is a picture of the master in which I have made all the cushions also. 
Naturally this then led to posting them on my Instagram which I already had to document the new build process and my interior progress. The love and requests I received was overwhelming and really pushed me to start Emily-Louise Soft Furnishings.

So really It was never my intention to start up a bespoke business, one thing led to another and now there isn't many days that go by (other than my crazy long shift days) where I'm not at my machine and I am so super grateful for all the orders and without Instagram this wouldn't be possible.

lots of love to you all for taking the time to read, & I'm looking forward to creating more content!


1 comment

  1. Properly made and selected pillows can change the look of the entire interior. This is a cheap decoration element that is worth paying special attention to when decorating the apartment.
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